Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wither Warner

Former Governor Mark Warner of Virginia gave a very luke war Keynote speech last night at the DNC in Denver. He offered very little red meat and would not attack the Republicans or John McCain. As such, his speech was moved to pre-prime time. In all honesty it sounded more like a stump speech for the folks back home in Virginia as he tries to replace Senator John Warner...In contrast, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer excited the crowd and took a number of partisan shots at McCain. Schweitzer had the Convention floor on its feet. It was a very powerful speech. Keep on eye on Schweitzer. He's a rising star in the Democrat party...Of course, the highlight of the night was Senator Clinton. While she urged her delegates to vote for Obama, her speech overall missed its mark. It wasn't as a warm and personal tribute to the Obamas or why the junior Senator from Illinois should be president, but rather, why you should not vote for John McCain: "no way, no how, no McCain". James Carville commented that the Dems had a good night, but his analysis was based more on emotion rather than objectivity. Mrs. Clinton could have done a whole lot more for Obama, but as far as speeches go, she's finally hit her stride. I wonder if the Dems are beginning to realize they might have nominated the wrong person.

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