Monday, August 18, 2008

McCain cheated

NBC's Andrea Mitchell is reporting that Senator John McCain did so well at Saturday's faith forum because he may have advanced knowledge of the questions. The source of this report? The Obama campaign itself. Rather than acknowledge that the junior Senator from Illinois had a really bad week, the media is trying to pin McCain's strong performance at the forum as something unseemly. The Democrats tried to do the same to President Bush back in 2004 when he clearly defeated Senator John Kerry in a debate...President Musharraf of Pakistan is resigning. Rather than putting his country through the trials of an impeachment, Musharraf will step down. The US will be losing a "key ally" on the war on terror but it is time for Musharraf to go. After eight years in office, Pakistan's fledgling democracy needs to go in a new direction. However, Common Sense doubts Musharraf's resignation will deter militants in Pakistan...More polls are showing Obama and McCain in a dead heat, 45%-45%. The question becomes can McCain hold onto all of the states President Bush carried in 2004? Present polling shows Iowa, Colorado, and New Mexico leaning Obama. If Obama wins all three states, he wins the White House. McCain will needs to double and redouble his efforts to hold onto these three key battleground states if he wants to win the White House. Sources report that Mitt Romney will be McCain's running mate.

There are 78 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,733 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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