Friday, August 15, 2008

Good grief

The Bureau of Economic Affairs, an agency with the Department of Commerce, reported today that it will no longer track "who is buying America", i.e., it will no longer track if companies, real estate, etc. are being bought by American nationals or foreign firms. Why? BEA reports that it's just too much work to keep track of all of these statistics even though it has a robust budget. Now no one will know how much foreign influence there is in the US and we're all the more ignorant...Democrat National Chairman Howard Dean has put his foot in his mouth again by calling Republicans "the White Party". This is the third instance since 2005 that Dean has made a racial remark...Continental Airlines remains the lone major US carrier that continues to charge US servicemen $100.00 for extra bags. Such a resprehensible policy goes beyond outrageous. Go to and let them know how deplorable this policy is...Apparently, Russia's invasion of Georgia could not get Senator Obama off the beaches of Hawaii to interrupt his vacation. Clearly, this was a missed opportunity for the Senator to look "presidential" and quiet calls that Obama is too inexperienced. Clearly, John McCain won the week. In the latest Gallup poll, McCain and Obama are tied at 44%. Ever since Senator Clinton conceded the nomination to Obama in June, Obama has lost ground.

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