Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hillary should be the nominee?

According to Howard Wolfson, former Director of Communications for Hillary Clinton, if John Edwards did not run for president, Senator Clinton would be the Democrat nominee. Wolfson believes that if Edwards did not run, Clinton gets the majority of the Edwards vote and wins Iowa, not Obama. If Clinton wins Iowa, she likely goes on to a big win in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina etc. and secures the nomination. Wolfson is in obvious denial that Edwards would seek the presidency knowing, and publicly concealing, his extramarital affair. Unfortunately for Wolfson, the exits polls do not bear him out. A majority of Edwards' supporters in Iowa say they would have supported Obama, and not Clinton, which would not have changed the dynamic of the campaign. Sadly, the Clinton campaign continues to look for scapecoats for her failed bid for the nomination rather the arrogance of entitlement in which the campaign was conducted.

There are 84 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,727 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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