Friday, August 8, 2008

The kids got it right

Common Sense is always on the lookout for fresh conservative "faces" posting their thoughts in the blogosphere. If you're interested in a new and thoughtful conservative blog, check out You will be pleased that you did.

Unfortunately, the rumors that have dogged Senator John Edwards are true. The former Senator from NC admitted to ABC News that he had an extramarital affair with a 42 year-old who produced "webisodes" for his failed presidential campaign. She was paid $114,000.00 for her efforts even though she "lacked experience". Moreover, she gave birth to a child a few weeks ago. Edwards adamantly denies being the father and is willing to take a paternity test to prove he's not the father. Through it all, one can only feel sorry for Elizabeth Edwards who has inoperable cancer.

Democrats are saying while they are greatly disappointed in Edwards, the bottowm line is that this situation is bewteen the Edwards and none of our business. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. It's all about character or lack thereof. If Edwards was the Democrat nominee, this news would certainly have derailed his campaign. More importantly, if he had been the nominee, what message does it send to voters that we need to restore trust in the White House when one of its candidates looks us all in the eye and lies! Does this remind you of a former President who looked us all in the eye, waived his finger, and lied? Poor personal judgment can lead to poor public judgment. Is it any wonder why people do not trust politicians any more?

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