Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Mike Allen writes in today's "Playbook" on that "Howard Wolfson says on Fox News last night that he has "heard some rumors" about JFK being vetted for Obama No. 2: "Look, John Kerry has been vetted. He ran for president. I think he would be a strong choice. He’d be a good choice, especially in the context of foreign policy.” about an uninspired choice? Selecting Kerry would only stir up memories of the Swiftboat vets and his poorly run presidential campaign back in 2004. Mr. Wolfson has wondered off the reservation these past couple of days with is diatribe that Hillary Clinton should be the Democrat nominee and now this unliekly scenario.

Russia's invasion of Georgia demostrates just how weak the US has become on the world stage following its invasion of Iraq. Besides strongly condemning Russia's actions, there's not a whole lot the US can do to leverage Russia at this point . While Senator John McCain's analysis is right on, that Russia is trying to recapture the glory of its past empire, the US cannot consider any sort of military move or even logistical aid for the Georgian military at this time since it suffers from imperial overstretch. Russia is intent on reestablishing itself as a dominant world power that is flush with money from being one of the largest oil exporters in the world. It appears that the best the US and its European allies can do is threaten the loss of the 2014 Winter Olympics or expel Russia from the G8. Sadly, such courses of action clearly demonstrate just how weak the US has become in matters of foreign policy and geopolitical influence since 2003.

There are 83 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,728 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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