Friday, August 8, 2008

McCain surging?

Even though national polls show Barack Obama holding a 47%-41% lead over John McCain, one cannot help but sense that momentum is turning as more and more voters tune into the presidential race and realize that Obama is not yet ready for prime time. On the three biggest issues America faces, the economy, the war, and energy independence, Obama could not be more wrong as he has flip-flopped over the last month on these key positions.

To deal with the economy, Obama has proposed raising taxes on small business, personal income, investment profits, and more. Such a position is wrong. Obama's plan will kill jobs and put the economy in a tailspin. On the war, Obama has shown the kind of judgment you would expect from someone who was in the state legislature just four years ago with no real world foreign policy experience. When it comes to gas prices, Obama observed that he did not really mind how high the price of gas is, just that it went up so fast. Such a position is obviously out of touch with main stream America. This is not surprising when you consider that Obama also opposes increased domestic drilling and increased use of clean, safe nuclear power--two major sources that will help us become energy independent.

Once you cut through the fog of his oratory, the truth is Obama is running as a very traditional liberal on a very, very thin record which voters are now beginning to see as the campaign enters its final ninety days.

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