Thursday, August 28, 2008

Biden gives a great speech...

Beau Biden that is. There wasn't a dry eye in the house last night as Beau Biden, son on Democrat VP hopeful, Joe Biden, delivered a powerful testament as to why America should elect Obama/Biden. The speech was personal, powerful, and right on the mark...Unfortunately, Senator Biden's speech was anything but convincing. It started promising enough talking about the narrative of the Senator's life. However, when it moved past the personal narrative it lost direction and focus. Biden went to great pains in trying to convince the party faithful of Senator Obama's credentials, which are razor thin to begin with...Furthermore, it appears that the Democrats are having a hard time figuring out just how to run against John McCain, who has become a much better candidate since the end of July/beginning of August. Should the Democrats paint McCain as another George Bush? Should they attack his credentials and judgment? Or should they attack his character? All of these elements were present in Biden's speech, but lacked theme and focus...However, President Bill Clinton, who has been a thorn in the side of Republicans since the early 1990s gave a very coherent and thematic speech that both championed Barack Obama and took shots at the Republicans, not necessarily John McCain. Clinton proved once again that he is the master politician...Finally, the significance of Barack Obama's nomination should not be lost on anyone. The fact that a major political party has nominated an African American demonstrates the progress our country has made in terms of race relations. Last night was a moment in history and Common Sense, while having fundamental differences with most Democrats, was especially proud to be an American last night...Speaking of proud Americans, Hillary Clinton's willingness to release her delegates and motion to suspend the rules last night in order to unanimously nominate Barack Obama was an act of great class and dignity. If you are a Democrat, you had a very, very good night last night.

There are 69 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,742 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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