Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No we can't

Senator Barack Obama is fond of saying "Yes, we can" to the nay-sayers who challenge his proposals should he be elected in November. Obama, and Mrs. Clinton, is a liberal who thinks that America is great BECAUSE of government. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's America's entrepreneurial spirit and sense of rugged individualism that makes us great. Having said that, here are some things Obama wants done and Common Sense's reply.

Withdraw from Iraq immediately. Commone Sense's reply, "No we can't". It would be an immoral act on our part to abandon the Iraqis at this point. Further, it will only embolden our enemies that they can wait us out. Such an act would signal the death knell as the US as a superpower.

Meet with rogue leaders of the world like Chavez, Kim Jung Il, Ahmadinejad, and others. Common Sense's reply, "No we can't". Such diplomacy, at this high level, with these leaders demonstrates Obama's lack of foreign policy experience and vision. If Obama is elected, he will be tested early and often and he needs to meet the challenge head on or our power and position in the world will erode.

Grant universal health care to all citizens. Commons sense say, "No we can't". The idea of insuring all Americans is absurd. The amount of taxes needed to run such a program is astronomical. We already have several entitlement programs, medicare, social security, and RX drugs for seniors, that already makeup a huge portion of the budget. How can we ask government to run yet another program when it can't protect our borders, provide the necessary equipment for our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, renew FISA, etc.

The are just a few of the things Obama would want to do as president. The intention to fix a broken Washington, DC is admirable, but the methods are flawed. The government that governs least, is the government that governs bests. The less government has to do, the better. Perhaps then, having fewer things to do, it would do the few things its responsible for well like provide for the common defense, protecting our borders, and securing our liberties from all things, especially government itself.

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