Thursday, February 14, 2008

How to fix the Republican Party

I've always admired Newt Gingrich the politician, not necessarily the person, as he engineered the Republican take over of Congress for the first time in forty years in 1995 with the "Contract for America". As Congress' approval ratings are below that of President Bush's (35%-22%), Republicans have a real opportunity to seize control of the Congress if they "renew" and "update" the original contract for the 21st century. Here are some very basic, conservative, common sense principles ALL Republicans should run on in 2008, including John McCain:

1. Defend our homeland and citizens in ways that preserve the US Constitution.

2. Strengthen our armed forces and defeat terrorism.

3. Make taxes lower, simpler, fairer through fundamental reform, and ensure that these funds are only expended on essential government responsibilities.

4. Enact individual tax credits that make health insurance affordable for uninsured or underinsured Americans.

5. Reform the health care system based on free market competition and consumer choice.

6. Develop alternative sources of fuel to promote energy independence based on free market principles.

7. Eliminate "earmarks" and other attempts of wasteful federal spending.

8. Continue the principle of "devolution" started under the Reagan administration to reduce the size, scope, and power of the federal government.

9. Allow parents choice where to send their children to school.

10. Protect US sovereignty from international organizations.

This "21st Century Contract with America" is all about free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong defense. The very ideals that made this country great and the ideals Republicans need to embrace. These are the principles that made the US the most free, fair, prosperous, and secure nation on the world stage. Now is the time to act.

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