Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fold the umbrellas and roll out the canopy

Listening to tonight's debate between Senators Obama and Clinton, it's painfully obvious that both are fixated on the fact that the state can cure all of our problems. In other words, let's everyone individually fold our umbrellas and get ready for the government to roll out a very large, expensive canopy to "cover" us all. Not since Johnson's Great Society has any one candidate believed so much in the state to create a veritable heaven on earth. In other words, both Obama and Clinton believe in statolatry, or "love" of the state and the collective to cure our ills. Just listening to them chastise each other this evening about who's universal health care plan can insure more Americans, or who's plan will "tax" or penalize individuals for not buying into the system, clearly demonstrates a statist's view on how best not only to manage health care, but our lives as well. This "liberalism" without liberty harkens back to the time of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson who all, in one fashion or another, substituted the "enlightened" judgment of the state while sacrificing the rights of individuals at the altar of the state. To hoodwink the American people into believing that universal health care, much like socal security or medicare, is a right, not a privilege, is simply wrong. Why would anyone want the government to manage health care when it cannot manage its own budget, or the border with Mexico, or prescription drugs, or a myriad of other wasteful programs? Who is going to pay for this entitlement? The idea of a "cooperative" where the government sits down at the table with insurance companies, doctors, and the pharmaceutical companies to "work" out health care may sound attractive on paper, but that's the myth. Inevitably, however, it serves to benefit the people around that table more than the American people. We as Americans have to stop buying into the "myths" that are being sold by Obama and Clinton and return to the classic liberalism our founders envisioned for this country over two hundred years ago.

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