Saturday, September 6, 2008

What does McCain do next?

Not that anyone from the McCain camp is asking Common Sense for advice, but here's what we think. First off, have McCain and Palin campaign separately. Even though McCain is a pretty good campaigner, there's the risk that Palin may overshadow him. Second, spend your money wisely. Obama is a fund-raising machine and can potentially spend McCain into oblivion. McCain can counter this disadvantage by spending funds wisely and only in battleground states like Ohio, Virginia, Colorado. Remember, McCain needs only to win the same 31 states that Bush did in 2004less Iowa, or Colorado, or New Mexixo, but not all three. If McCain spends money in any "solid" blue statwes, he'll lose. Third, have Palin be the attack dog similar to the role Bob Dole played back in 1976 for Gerald Ford. Ford came back from a 33 point deficit to almost beat Carter because Dole was the hatchet man. Palin can play the role of "pit bull", with a smile. McCain can stay above the fray and talk issues. Lastly, use President Bush behind the scenes to fund-raise. Bush has raised almost $1 billion since he took office in 2001. He's still popular with the base and can be an enormous asset.

There are 59 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,750 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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