Friday, September 12, 2008

Presidential forum on service

Senators John McCain and Barack took a day off from the camapign trail yesterday to participate in the Presidnetial Forum on Service. Each candidate outlined their respective positions on volunteer service to the country. It became abundtantly clear early on that while both men support the idea of service Senator McCain would prefer a free-market approach of rewards and incentives, Obama favors governmental involvement to promote said service...Barack Obama proposes $1 billion in new spending if elected President though he cannot say how he would raise the money...Governor Sarah Palin was interviewed by ABC's Charles Gibson. Gibson has a mostly fair reputation among journalists in the old media but his questions were definitely designed to push the envelpe on Palin's position on religion, abortion, national security, economics, climate change, etc. Of course, the Democrat talking heads were quick to spin all of the Governor's answers on the various cable news programs in a way that was less than flattering...In a new USA/Gallup Poll, generic Republican congressional candidates, who once trailed their generic Democrat congressional opponents by double digits, now trail the Democrats by only 3%...Former Lt. Colonel Bob Russell is challenging Representative John Murtha is Pennsylvania. Russell's latest ad challenges Murtha's claims that US military personal slaughthered innocents and civilians in Iraq...The Obama campaign is still in free fall. Rather than challenging McCain on the issues, Obama is directly challenging Palin's exerience and fitness to be commander-in-chief. Traditionally, it is the VP candidate who works over the opposing VP nominee, not the Presidental nominee himself. Obsessing over Palin is not going to win Obama the election. If anything, Joe Biden should be attacking both McCain and Palin, not Obama...Crude remains steady at $102.00 a barrel, but no meaningful legislation is pending to open up the US to more drilling. Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid continue to harp on the fact that we "Can't drill our way out of this problem". We get it. However, that's akin to saying "we can't plant seeds in order to battle our way out of a food shortage". It just doesn't make sense. Congress and the President have stood idly by as gas has jumped from $40 to $60 a barrel, and then again from $60 to $100 and higher. Why would either do anything if crude jumps to $200 a barrel?

There are 53 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,755 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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