Sunday, September 21, 2008

Crazy Talk?

Where's Mel Gibson when you need him! Conspiracy theorists will love this one. Apparently reports are circulating, namely Seah Hannity on his radio show on Friday, that Senator Joe Biden will bow out after the VP debate on Thursday, 2 October citing health concerns. Of course this means that Senator Obama will need a new running mate. Enter Hillary Clinton which will all but clinch the election for the Democrats. Biden was picked when rumors were circulated that McCain would choose a conventional pick like Romney or Huckabee or Pawlenty. Such a pick proved no threat Obama and it wouldn't force him to have to select, and subsequently live, with Hillary Clinton, should Obama win. But since McCain picked Palin the race has been a toss-up since the end of the RNC and there's a chance that McCain could win. Now, in order to hedge his bet, and win an election the Democrats should have won in walk, Obama may ask Biden to step aside because of health concerns, namely an aneurysm Biden suffered years ago in order for the Dems to win the White House. Crazy talk I know, but truth is stranger than fiction.

There are 44 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,764 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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