Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Country comes before party

In a carefully orchestrated night, the Republicans pounded home the message of "country first" as the convention got underway last night. Speaker after speaker stayed on theme. As the night progressed, President Bush, former Senator Fred Thompson, and Senator Joe Lieberman touted John McCain's character, his ability to lead, and his service to the country above his own interests. All of the speakers were well received including Senator Lieberman who articulated why, as a Democrat, he is backing John McCain. "Now you may be thinking why a Democrat like me is doing at a Republican convention like this. It's because country comes before party and John McCain is ready to lead the US". In addition, all three speakers subtly, and not so subtly, attacked the Obama/Biden ticket within the framework of the night's theme, country first. Thompson, in particular, showed a passion that was seriously lacking in his own presidential bid leaving conservatives to wonder where this Fred Thompson was on the stump during the primaries. It was an effective opening night and the Republicans can build on their momentum with appearances from Rudy Guiliani and vice-presidential hopeful, Governor Sarah Palin...Apparently, Sarah Palin's addition to the ticket has helped McCain's fundraising effort. McCain raised $47 million in August, $4 million the day he picked Palin. It's obvious that the social conservatives of the party are ethusiastic about the pick...Palin has been mercilessly atatcked by the mainstream media not only because of her "inexperience", but because of her 17 year-old daughter's pregnancy. Not since Dan Quayle was announced by George H.W. Bush, has a vice presidential nominee been so savaged. Fortunately for Palin, the Republicans are on the attack to counter all of the criticisms...Speaking of Bush the elder, he and Barbara Bush appeared at the convention last night to thunderous ovation. Obviously, both 41 and 43 are still beloved by the party.

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