Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Libertarian point of view

If you're interested in the Libertarian point of view with respect to yesterday's failed vote on the bailout, here's an email that they are circulating via email. God bless the people!

"Dear friend of Liberty,

The US House Of Representatives has voted down the bailout bill. The vote was 205 for and 228 against.

141 Democrats voted for the bailout, while 94 voted against it. 67 Republicans voted for it, while 132 opposed it. The defeat was bipartisan.

Speaker of The House Nancy Peolsi (D-CA) took to the well to claim that the bill's defeat was the fault of the Republicans (even though 40% of her own party voted nay).

With all due respect, Madam Speaker is wrong. The reason the bill went down to defeat is that YOU responded to our email action alerts last week. YOU called your US Congressman to say you wanted them to vote NO. YOU called your US Senators, who are supposed to get their own whack at the bill later this week.

All lovers of freedom owe you a debt of gratitude. It was your phone calls and emails that turned the tide. You convinced your Representative that he might lose his job in November if he did not oppose the bill. You saved capitalism, the private ownership of our financial system, with your calls. You prevented the nationalization of our banking system, despite the naked desire of our elected officials to subvert our economic system to socialism. YOU have saved America.

The roll call has not been published yet, so I can't tell you if your Congressman obeyed your instructions or if they need to be taught a lesson on November 4th. Please make the effort to learn how your Representative voted. It might be nice to send a "thank you" card if he voted against the bailout.

We are not children; we all have learned that the enemies of individual freedom never sleep. The Libertarian Party of Georgia will alert you when the danger presents itself again -- as it most surely will. Many heroes of American liberty have expressed this thought, but we go with President Andrew Jackson in his farewell address in 1837: "...Eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty..."

Thank you for exercising that vigilance".

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