Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama's trap

Senator John McCain "blinked" yesterday by first stating that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. He then went back out on the stump after his statement to explain what he meant. He then concluded by stating that we needed to appoint a 9/11like commission to study the economic crisis. Of course, Senator Obama was quick to seize the moment by deriding McCain's commission idea as just another typical and tired Washington ploy. Obama asserted that what we need is "leadership", not commissions. Depending on how this plays out, this may be the issue that helps the Obama campaign regain traction after a brutal 8 weeks for the campaign starting with the Russian invasion of Georgia while Obama was on vacation in Hawaii, the announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate, Hurricane Gustav, and Palin's acceptance speech, which all limited Obama's bounce...Rasmussen and Zogby have some interesting poll results. Both show John McCain leading or tied in Pennsylvania. Rasmussen has McCain tied in Michigan as well. Both have McCain tied or leading Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico. Both agree that the series of upcoming debates will be crucial for both campaigns...The Fed has bailed out troubled AIG with $85 billion in taxpayer money...There was a terrorist attack on the US Embassy in Yemen. It appears to have been the work of Al Qaeda. There were no American casualties.

There are 48 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,760 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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