Monday, September 22, 2008

Third parties

Third party candidates Ralph Nader and Bob Barr are on nearly all of the state ballots. Nader is on the ballot in 45 states plus DC, Barr in 44 states, Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party is on 37 state ballots, and Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party candidate, is on 32 states plus DC. Combined, they are polling about 3.3% nationally. Democrats to this day still blame Nader for costing Al Gore the White House back in 2000 when he polled 2.7% that year...In Israel, Tzipi Livni's narrow victory in a party primary Wednesday to replace corruption-tainted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as Kadima's chairman means she can become prime minister if she can put together a coalition government of her own. Livni, now the foreign minister, has said she would like to keep the current four-party coalition intact...John McCain raised $47.5 million in August and promptly spent nearly $41 million, his best showing to date. Barack Obama spent nearly $55 million in August and is not constrained by fundraising caps becuase he opted out of the federal mathcing funds. In fact, it's being reported that Obama has raised in excess of $66 million in August. According to AP, "overall, Obama has raised more than $440 million for his presidential campaign, an unprecedented amount. The campaign said it has more than 2.5 million donors. McCain has raised $210 million"...Dick Morris is reporting that the presidential (sic) "contest is transitioning from post-convention issues to a race dominated by the economy. The key to that for Barack Obama is to stress the liability of the incumbent party for the mess that we're in economically. For McCain, it will be stressing that Obama's tax proposals will make the situation worse. There has been a huge change among unmarried women, particularly, due in part to the hostile reaction of the Democrats to Palin. There are indications that the momentum of the race may be reversing itself again, however, as a result of the economy". Go to for more election updates.

There are 43 days until the presidential election. And, it's been 2,765 days since there's been a terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless!

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