Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama's 50 state strategy

John McCain raised $21 million in May which was his best fundraising month of the campaign. The problem is that Barck Obama raised close to $100 million and will likely do so again in June. Being able to outspend McCain 5 to 1 Obama is embarking on a 50 state strategy similar to what George Bush did in 2000. While it is a risky strategy, just as it was for Bush back in 2000, Obama's enormous war-chest will actually make him competitive in all 50 states. McCain on the other hand has to figure out how he holds onto Bush's 31 states in 2004. So, while McCain may have dreams of winning states like California, he is better served spending his money in the battleground states as well as a couple of key blue states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

It's been 2,464 days since there was terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless.

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