Monday, June 9, 2008

Gas prices hit all-time high

The avergae cost for a gallon of gasoline reached $4.00 today, the highest in US history. The fact of the matter is that Democrats continue to stonewall an unorganized Republican Party that is trying to force the debate that we need to drill here in the US and off our immediate shorelines. A poll conducted by Newt Gingrich's "American Solutions" website reports that 81% of Americans support new drilling here in the US. Unfortunately, the Democrats don't get the message. Forget the fact that the US government receives 15% for every gallon of gas that is pumped. Forget the fact that oil companies make a modest 4% for every gallon sold. Forget the fact that Democrats are supposed to be on the side of the poor and middle class in this country yet they now pay $4.00 a gallon on average. What we should remember is that we should open new oil wells here in the US for one reason alone: national security. The fact that we get oil from the Saudis, Venezuela, Russia, etc. puts the US in a precarious position. Science has proven that we have enough coal here in the US for over 300 years. We have enough natural gas for over 100 years. And, we have enough oil, if we're willing to drill for it, for at least a 100 years as well. Senator John McCain, and the Republicans for that matter, can capitalize on this issue if they would only present the American people a short and long term energy plan, one that includes developing alternative energy sources as we drill for oil.

It's been 2,463 days since there was terrorist attack on US soil. Good day and God bless.

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