Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Does anything stick to this guy

Barack Obama has had a rough two weeks being hammered by Republicans for his associations with the Weatherman, Reverend Wright, and Father Flager, the fact that he cannot articulate a coherent energy policy, that he cannot tell us where he is going to get the money for the extra trillion dollars he wants to spend as part of the federal budget, how he plans to end the war in Iraq or carry on the war on terror. Yet, he remains ahead or tied with John McCain depending on what poll you read. John McCain can make serious inroads, as he has with his "new" energy plan he revelaed last week by taking the three or four top issues that concern most Americans and just pound home to the American public the stark contrasts between his vision for America and Obama's. Eventually, when the American electorate tunes in to the presidential election after Labor Day, McCain could have Obama on the defensive if he articulates tried and true conservative principles. Only time will tell if Obama can "skate" by on charisma and jujitsu tactics or if McCain can paint him as an out of touch liberal who has no real policy proposals to move this country forward.

On a local note, WMAC AM early morning radio talk show host Shayne McBride was busted today for possession of the "chronic", otherwise known as marijuana. While McBride was only charged with a misdemeanor and is out on bond, WMAC should dump the rather sarcastic host in favor of the fresh and talented Jeff Scott, who by all accounts, has no problems with the hippie lettuce or anything illicit that would embarras himself, his employers, or his former professors. Go get 'em Jeff!

It's been 2,678 days since there has been an attack on US soil. Good day and God bless.

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