Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Democrats keep on giving

The Democrat hopefuls to take over the White House next January keep shooting themselves in the foot. Over the last couple of weeks, Barack Obama has had to answer for his relationship with his minister over the last 20 years, Jeremiah Wright. Obama will certainly suffer in the polls as a result of the fallout. This must have delighted Mrs. Clinton to no end thinking she could actually get back into the race. Now comes news that Clinton "overexaggerated" the circumstances of a trip she took to Bosnia with daughter Chelsea back in 1996. Apparently, Clinton claimed there was "sniper fire" as they were getting off of the plane and that they had to "duck and cover" as a result of the volleys. Let's go to the videotape. Apparently, Clinton was caught in a "lie". She and Chelsea walked off the plane without incident. Why did she have to lie about the situation? Obviously, after 35 years of public service, Clinton still feels insecure about her record. Her experience as first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the US, and Senator of New York, are continually belittled by the press and the Obama campaign. She seemingly needs to pad her resume in order to prove she is ready for the White House on "the first day". In an Associated Press story Ron Fournier writes, "What makes Clinton's situation unique — and the Bosnia embellishments so damaging — is the fact that the New York senator has built her candidacy on the illusion of experience. Any attack on her credentials is a potential Achilles heel." Much like Obama, this story calls into question Clinton's judgment and character to be the next president. More importantly, both Obama and Clinton continue to give the American people reasons for not supporting their candidacies. Somewhere, John McCain must be smiling.


Jeff Scott said...

The Democrats' race is the best example I've ever seen of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Their nominee had a cakewalk to the White House. Now John McCain does.


Sorry for the skimpy analysis, I'm in the middle of a show.

Jeff Scott said...

Sorry the links didn't work. Check my site for working ones.