Sunday, March 23, 2008

The color of money

Latest reports have Senator John McCain raising $4 million last week which is a slight uptick from the previous weeks. In his latest campaign fund raising letter, McCain says he wants to raise $10 million by 31 March, which is a tall order indeed. Obviously, McCain is having problems raising cash for his campaign, though he's the nominee. Conservatives have not yet come home to roost, as it were! And, he's obviously not in the same league as either Clnton or Obama when it comes to raising cash. While it is still early, the McCain campaign should be concerned about the relative lack of cash on hand. However, McCain does have one thing going for him. As he limps along putting together enough money to compete in the general election, Clinton and Obama will continue to slug it out all the way to the convention spending enormous amounts of money in the process. With the Democrats in disarray, McCain must be praying every night that they do not pick a nominee until August! Of course, all of the fund raising problems disappear the minute Mitt Romney accepts the VP nomination.

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