Monday, March 17, 2008

Back to square one

The Chairwoman of the Florida State Democrat party has thrown in the towel. Florida will not revote, at least for the forseeable future. Having rejected everything from a mail-in vote, to a state-wide causcus, and firehouse primaries, the fact remains that 1.7 million Democrats in Florida will not have their voices heard. This obviously bodes very badly for Mrs. Clinton since she now trails Senator Obama by some 200 plus delegates and desperately needs a large portion of the some 210 delegates up for grabs. One Clinton insider has suggested that the delegates be apportioned along the 55-45 split that Clinton won by in January. The only catch is that neither Obama or Clinton campaigned in the state leading up to its primary after word came down from DNC Chairman Howard Dean that Florida would not count. Obviously, the Obama camp would reject that recommendation out of hand and perhaps counter with a Florida split similar to the proportion of delegates at the national level, which of course, favors Obama since it changes nothing in the end. There are of course several options: 1. Florda does not count and everything remains status quo which would favor Obama; 2. have the DNC or some outside source pay for the revote, but even then would 1.7 million Floridians return to the polls?; or 3. fight it out at the convention and have Dean make a ruling in August. Such a scenario is dicey at best but of course it adds to the drama that is Democrat politics.

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