Friday, January 25, 2008

Romney wins hands down

Former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romeny introduced himself to Florida last night in a big way by winning last night's GOP debate at Florida Atlantic University. Not only did Romney look presidential, he had great command and presence while laying out a vision for the economy, foreign policy, the war in Iraq, and a whole host of other issues. It was by far his best performance in a debate during the primary season and it will serve him well as I predict a strong showing in Florida's primary next Tuesday. Campaigning as an outsider who can fix Washington, Romney continued throughout the night to present his credentials on the economy as someone who actually understands how it works and who has the experience to guide the country through this "perceived" down turn by making the Bush tax cuts permanent, decreasing spending, and reeling in special interests who continue to add pork to every bill signed into law by this administration. Romney was also very good on matters of foreign policy, particularly on the situation in Iraq stating that we cannot withdraw until the job is finished. He also took aim at the Democrats by criticizing them, particularly HRC, on their insistance that the US needs to withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible. Perhaps what excited me the most about Romney's performance last night is that he finally looked liked the front runner and inevitable nominee suggesting that he is the only one who can unite social, economic, and hawkish conservatives along with the libertarian wing of the GOP; Reaganesque to the say the least. In addition, he set his sights on the Clintons drawing first blood: "I can't imagine the Clintons back in the White House. I can't imagine Bill Clinton back in the White House with nothing to do". Neither can I!Romney painted the Clintons as the problem, not the solution to the country's problems, espousing the core values conservatives hold near and dear: small government, low taxes, maximum economic liberty, and a strong military. Even if Romney cannot unite conservatives, we all know who can: HRC. I'm beginning to think we can actually win in November. Stay tuned!

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