Sunday, January 20, 2008

McCain is no conservative

Despite winning the South Carolina Republican primary, Senator John McCain is no conservative. A quick look at his record confirms this position. Even though the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that money is free speech, John McCain supports campaign finance reform to limit special interest contributions to political campaigns. This is all well and good, but McCain-Feingold has only increased the number of special interests in the system with the proliferation of 527 groups that can spend endless amounts of money running negative ads against certain candidates without any limits or accountability, i.e., and other George Soros sponsored groups that savaged President Bush in 2004. What's ironic is that Senator McCain has a special interest lobbyist managing his presidential campaign. McCain also did not initially support President Bush's tax cuts back in 2001 and 2003. Now, he's calling for them to be made permanent before they expire at the end of 2010. Moreover, Senator McCain is soft on illegal immigration as evidenced by his sponsoring of McCain-Kennedy in 2007 that would have granted amnesty for 12-20 million illegal immigrants had the bill not been defeated, twice, by the outrage of the American people calling their Congressmen and Senators. We tried amnesty back in 1986 and it did not work. Why does Senator McCain think that the American people would want another failed amnesty policy today? Senator McCain also attacks former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld at every turn on the campaign trail by blaming him for the "failed strategy" in Iraq and the fact that we just do not have enough men and women in our armed forces. Fair enough, but I wonder where was Senator McCain back in the 1990s when the Clinton administration was systematically downsizing and dismantling our armed forces to about half the size it was at the beginning of the first Gulf War in 1991? If you want some real "straight talk", we cannot afford John McCain's kind of "conservatism".

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